The Fact Sheet Collection

The Fact Sheet Collection
Sometimes it’s great to feel empowered to troubleshoot your way through sickness in kids.
Other times you just want to be told what to do next.
When that happens → The Fact Sheet Collection.
Telling you what to do, step-by-step when you have a diagnosis and it’s time to kick into action.
You will learn how to tackle:
✔️Febrile Convulsions
✔️Food Allergies & Anaphylaxis
✔️Respiratory Viruses
✔️Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease
Each Fact Sheet will tell you:
✔️ Signs and symptoms
✔️ What you can do at home
✔️ Practical tips for home care
✔️ When to see your Doctor
✔️ A list of suggested questions to ask your Doctor and/or healthcare team
✔️ How to decide whether to go to Emergency or call an ambulance
✔️ What treatments and procedures may be indicated in hospital
The Fact Sheet Collection will be your Go-To Guide when your kids get sick.
Facts + Step-by-Step Tips from a Paediatric Nurse = Sickness Handled.
Being a digital product you can have the fact sheets on hand on your phone, your iPad, your desktop — any device that you have on hand for easy access. Or, if you’d prefer, you can print them out and pop them in your First-Aid Kit for fast and easy reference when the inevitable #sickhappens
GST included.